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Book Information

Title: Lineage
Author: C. Vonzale Lewis
Publisher: The Parliament House
Genre: Urban Fantasy | Mystery
Publication Date: July 16th 2019

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Some Magic Should Never Be Forgotten

Lineage Synopsis

Smart-mouthed Nicole Fontane has a way of getting herself into trouble. She’s been fired from every job she’s had but still refuses to work in her father’s apothecary shop because of his practice of Earth Magick. On Tulare Island where Nicole grew up, Magick has always been a way of life—one she’s determined to avoid at all costs.

With less than two hundred dollars in the bank and rent due, Nicole is forced to take a job at Tribec Insurance as a last resort. Little does she realize, the moment she sets foot inside the building, she becomes a pawn. A sinister force has set its sights on her and will stop at nothing to use her in a sadistic game.

Tribec’s proprietors, the Stewart family, are curiously preoccupied with the Naqada, the mysterious pre-dynastic Egyptian society. Nicole finds it creepy, but on the bright side, the job reconnects her with her estranged friend, Marta. Yet the eerie atmosphere, disappearing Magick wards, and the smell of blood inside Tribec bring Nicole to a startling conclusion—the Stewarts are practicing Blood Magick, the deadliest of the Five Principles. By the time Nicole uncovers the truth, Marta and her four children have gone missing, and all signs implicate the Stewarts and an archaic blood ritual to an Old One, a Naqada god imprisoned on Tulare Island.

Battling the evil of Blood Magick will demand Nicole to confront a hidden past and unlock the Magick buried within. But can she set aside her deep-rooted fears to work with a team of vigilante Mages? Or will the clock run out on Marta and her children—and on Nicole?

Lineage Review

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Lineage drew me in with the cover and the synopsis. The cover is beautiful and who doesn’t love a magical mystery? The blurb on the back is why I applied for the ARC on Netgalley. This book incorporates a lot of lore and magic systems into it. There is a lot of diversity in it that I hope we will see continue into the second book, Zealot.

Nicole is a badass who makes bad decisions in her life and even worse decisions with her partners. She has a zero fucks attitude and a mouth that has no filter. This girl isn’t ashamed of who she is or what she has down in her life. She gets involved in Tribec, and then mysteries surrounds her. Once she cannot ignore or walk away from like she normally does. She has a lot going on and the whole book she navigates through the chaos that both has been created by herself, and is thrown in front of her.

I love the other characters, both her partners and her friends. I am definitely in love with the dark and broody Alek. I cannot wait to see what happens in book two. As Nicole sorts out one mystery another arises. Still even after finished reading the book and writing this review, I find myself trying to piece together what happened with where this story is could be going moving forward. I really look forward to coming back into this world with Zealot.

A special thank you goes out to The Parliament House, & NetGalley for providing me a copy of this book for review!

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About C. Vonzale Lewis

Carla was born in Georgia, but please don’t mistake her for a Georgia peach. She’s more like a prickly pear. Speaking of being born, someone asked her recently if she remembered her birth. And she had to say, “Yes, I do remember that handsy doctor pulling me out into the cold. Right Bastard!!!”
Despite being born in the South, she grew up in California. Every once in a great while she gets to experience all four seasons. But mostly, it’s just heat.
When not writing, Carla enjoys reading, binge watching shows on Netflix, and trying to convince her husband that getting a dog is a wonderful idea.
And one day, she will discover how many licks it actually takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.

Blood and Sacrifice Chronicles

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